Contact Colorguard Floors for More Information
- E-mail (Fastest Method):
- Phone:
Business: 1877-FLOR-COV (356-7268)
Many common questions can be answered via the FAQ, delivery or product pages.
Please note: FAX is no longer available. Email forms to [email protected]
- Sales Office Address:
Colorguard Floors™ PO Box 776
Burwell, Nebraska 68823, US
Contact Form
How to Buy a Floor From Us:
Please take a moment to review the following information regarding this purchase.
Mail Order Purchase
PAYMENT OPTIONS: To order your floor through the mail, download and complete an order form and send payment using one of the following payment options:
School check
Money order
Cashier's check
Certified check
Booster check
The price you see is what you get! The prices listed on our site include $149 shipping. Sales tax applies only to nonexempt customers in AL, PA, NE, and TX. Please provide proof of exemption with the order. Charges for lift gate and delivery notification are optional.
Credit Card Purchase

To order with a credit card, call our toll-free number: 1877-FLOR-COV (356-7268)